Distribution Block, ATC, 6 gang/ 1 each 5415 Accele Electronics

Our Price:
Everything you want for serious plumbing endeavors at the Industrial & Scientific. Distribution Block, ATC, 6 gang/ 1 each can help out removing some of the anxiety from your routines. Accele Electronics has put a focus on their new rely on a solid example by bringing in new technologies. Employ safety science and knowledge to work for you benefit, there is plenty of that in our affordable selection.
ACCELLE 6 gang Fused Distribution Block. Maximum 4 gauge input and 8 gauge maximum outputs. ATC Fuse type Maximum 40 Amps.
- Color
- Wire Gauge
- Fuse Type
- Qty/ Uom
1 Each
- Weather Proof
- Number of Fuses
- Fuse Holder Material
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