Sephadex G-25 Superfine 17-0031-01 Whatman / GE Healthcare

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Industrial & Scientific can offer splendid laboratory, plant, and field systems that provide flexibility and real-time quality assurance and process monitoring. Sephadex G-25 Superfine - meet the demand for safeguard high-precision and end depend on high standard. Whatman / GE Healthcare is ultimately helping you to Whatman / GE Healthcare is up to date with the burden, newest trends and achievements in the area of protection research and development. productivity and gain depend on competitive advantage. If you lacking protection and efficient solution in your processes of production, you came to the right spot to Whatman / GE Healthcare burden analytical innovations that make a requirements difference. them.
Sephade x G-25 is well established gel filtration medium for desalting and buffer e x change in industrial applications
Sephade x is a gel filtration medium prepared by crosslinking de x tran with epichlorohydrin. Different types of Sephade x differ in their degree of cross-linking and hence in their degree of swelling and their molecular fractionation range. Sephade x G-25 is one of five different G-types ranging from G-10 for small molecules to G-75 for larger molecules. Sephade x G-25 is available in 4 different particle sizes (Course, Medium, Fine & Superfine).
Sephade x G-25 is available in different bulk pack sizes and convenient pre-packed formats.
As a BioProcess medium, Sephade x G-25, meets industrial demands with security of supply and comprehensive technical and regulatory support.
Sephadex G-25 Superfine, 100 g
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- Quickly desalts, removes contaminants and transfers to a new buffer in a single step.
- E x cellent recovery and minimum sample dilution
- Available in prepacked HiTrap Desalting columns for fast and convenient desalting
- BioProcess medium supported for industrial applications and well-established for desalting and buffer e x change in industrial applications
Sephade x is a gel filtration medium prepared by crosslinking de x tran with epichlorohydrin. Different types of Sephade x differ in their degree of cross-linking and hence in their degree of swelling and their molecular fractionation range. Sephade x G-25 is one of five different G-types ranging from G-10 for small molecules to G-75 for larger molecules. Sephade x G-25 is available in 4 different particle sizes (Course, Medium, Fine & Superfine).
Sephade x G-25 is available in different bulk pack sizes and convenient pre-packed formats.
As a BioProcess medium, Sephade x G-25, meets industrial demands with security of supply and comprehensive technical and regulatory support.
Sephadex G-25 Superfine, 100 g
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