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Techni-Stat Wrist Strap, Blue, Adjustable, 4mm Snap, 6 ft. Cord 758ST9407 Techni-Tool

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Because technology is constantly developing we are constantly restocking, be up-to-date with Electronics, Computer & Photo. The Techni-Stat Wrist Strap, Blue, Adjustable, 4mm Snap, 6 ft. Cord can help eliminate some of the burden from your everyday life. Check out Techni-Tool, widely used for professional and consumer applications. Combination of properties that can meet your expectations, and needs will surprise you in this product. Goods that are easy to use, and follow your intuition - Electronics, Computer & Photo section, that offers: Desco - 19842 - Medium Dual Wire Metal Band Wriststrap, or Static Solutions - WS-1025-B - Wrist Strap Only and 3M - 2224 - Wrist Strap with 10 ft. Cord.
Techni-Stat elastic polyester wrist strap with 6" coil cord and alligator clip.
Closure Type: Adjustable Clasp
Color: Light Blue
Cord Length: 6 ft.
Resistor: Yes
Snap Size: 4mm
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