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SDCLR100PDK Security Door Controls (SDC) Exit Device Part LR100PDK Security Door Controls (SDC)

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This smart item is in Electronics, Computer & Photo - for the latest and greatest. The SDCLR100PDK Security Door Controls (SDC) Exit Device Part is a tough piece of equipment that is often used because it gives superb performance. Threat yourself to a new item from Security Door Controls (SDC). Meet the prospect of using a high-end item, and enjoy every second at a bargain price. Find a popular solution to your problems by checking out , or and .
The SDC LR100 Series Electric Latch Retraction Kit enables electric access control and dogging of mechanical exit devices. When energized the motor retracts the exit device latch and pulls the pushpad on most devices into the dogged (depressed) position enabling momentary or sustained push and pull operation of the door.
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