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SDC352V Security Door Controls (SDC) Maglock 352V Security Door Controls (SDC)

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Industrial & Scientific aims to provide the total protection you require in your working environment. Have Plenty of low cost industrious machine tools and accessories at the hardship Industrial & Scientific. power and style at the same time with SDC352V Security Door Controls (SDC) Maglock being in you ranks. Security Door Controls (SDC) has a boost mission to avoid any risk of failure and astonish for you. Our safeguard supplies in hardware have reached cheaper proportions.
SDC Security 352V
352V. Narrow Line EMLock.
The 350 Narrow Line EMLock provides 1200 lbs holding force and failsafe access control for perimeter and interior doors that meets building security and fire life safety code requirements. The 350 series is specifically designed for high profile openings that require less obtrusive surface mount lock with architecturally superior appearance. Unlike typical surface mount magnetic locks that project 3 to 3-1/2 inches into openings, the SDC 350 Narrow Line magnetic lock projects only 2-11/16 into the opening, enabling it to blend in exceptionally well with virtually any narrow frame. The SDC Narrow Line EMLock is the best solution available to maintain the architectural aesthetics high profile door entrances.
1200lbs holding force with Dual12/24VDC input. Double Narrow Line Magnetic Lock, 628 Aluminum, For pair of doors without mullion. Retrofits Locknetics MagForce 352+ & 352+/DSM/MBS/L2.
"‹ Features:
1200lbs holding force with Dual12/24VDC input Double Narrow Line Magnetic Lock
628 Aluminum
For pair of doors without mullion
Retrofits Locknetics MagForce 352+ & 352+/DSM/
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