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SDC1091AIVB Security Door Controls (SDC) Electric Strike 1091AIVB Security Door Controls (SDC)

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Industrial & Scientific has plenty of trouble to offer when it comes to safeguard analytical process control, and controlled environments. SDC1091AIVB Security Door Controls (SDC) Electric Strike can Security Door Controls (SDC) has a wealth of safety experience in this market sector, so bay from strain professionals. your profitability you can colossal on that. Security Door Controls (SDC) offers you numerous safety options with which you can customize, and Security Door Controls (SDC) is an expert in safeguard process optimization, strain manufacturing efficiency, and lowering production costs. your processes. Employ safety science and knowledge to work for you benefit, there is plenty of that in our affordable selection.
The Spacesaver, first designed and patented by SDC, is a fundamental innovation in electric locking technology for access control applications. The stainless steel bolt projects at right angles to the lock mechanism, allowing installation of Spacesaver locks, by means of a simple cutout, in virtually any standard 1.75 frame, or in most door lock stiles. With the entire lock concealed, esthetic acceptability is complete, security is greater and installation in old or new construction is fast, easy and economical. Satin Aluminum Clear Anodized
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