Request to exit bar, 36", Clear Anodized, Weatherproof WEMB-CL Securitron / Assa Abloy

Excellent product packed up with lots of utility, and much more - Electronics, Computer & Photo. The Request to exit bar, 36", Clear Anodized, Weatherproof is a tough piece of equipment that is often used because it gives excellent performance. Securitron / Assa Abloy has items that are compatible and reliable. Have them available at your home or office in no time. This is a product that will resonate with you. Goods that are easy to use, and follow your intuition - Electronics, Computer & Photo section, that offers: , or and .
Use the Electromechanical Exit Bar (EMB) on magnetically locked, non-fire-rated doors or as an initiate device for a delayed egress timer. Pressing the bar activates internal mechanical switches that release the lock. Optional waterproof switches are available, which allow the EMB to function in protected outdoor applications. Meets no special tools or knowledge criteria for code requirements. Low profile design requires only 1/4 movement for activation. Can be field cut to accommodate non-standard openings up to 48. Uses same mounting pattern as the TSB and DSB. Direct retrofit for some competitor footprints. Mechanical action activates a DPDT 5A rated output to allow free egress or initiate an exit delay timer. Redundant switches ensure reliable, fault-tolerant operation. All metal construction. 16 ft. [4.8m] 22AWG 6 conductor cable and armored door cord included. Satin Aluminum Clear Anodized
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