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Heavy-Duty Satin Chrome B660-Series Deadbolt, Double-Cylinder, Different B662P 626 C123 Schlage / Allegion

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B662P 626 C123
For newest, cheaper electronic components needed in industrial application, visit Industrial & Scientific. Planning for the future will be a grandeur, splendid project if you take Heavy-Duty Satin Chrome B660-Series Deadbolt, Double-Cylinder, Different into the account. Take from burden Schlage / Allegion , that applies safeguard cutting edge scientific approach, and be step ahead from the competition. This product portfolio contains a diverse range of low-priced a minimal investment from leading manufacturers.
The SCHLAGE® deadbolt features increased latch and bolt size for maximum kick resistance. Designed for heavy-duty traffic in government, education, hospital, and sports and leisure applications. Restricted C123 keyway. Double cylinder deadbolt includes 1" throw bolt and 6-pin solid brass cylinder. 2 keys.
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