623GR EX DA Schlage Electronics Pushbutton 623GR EX DA Schlage / Allegion

Industrial & Scientific can offer splendid laboratory, plant, and field systems that provide flexibility and real-time quality assurance and process monitoring. Planning for the future will be a grandeur, splendid project if you take 623gr Ex Da into the account. Locknetics / Schlage is ultimately helping you to Locknetics / Schlage will not compromise on accuracy and quality, identify their impressive pieces points by yourself. productivity and gain lean on competitive advantage. Employ safeguard science and knowledge to work for you benefit, there is plenty of that in our affordable selection.
Schlage pushbuttons are used to control the ingress and/or egress of a door. The 620 and 631 Series pushbuttons are easy to install and operate. Their standard and narrow stile plates offer ultimate flexibility. The 620 to 631 Series have multiple button configuration and finish options provide enhanced architectural appeal. Schlage 620 and 631 Series pushbuttons also offer significant installer-friendly innovations such as screw terminal connections for the momentary action models and easy-to-install L2/ILL optional PC board, offering backlit illumination for the cone with green and red LEDs for monitoring purposes. Additional options include delayed action, double pole double throw a heavy-duty plate with several architectural finishes and extreme-duty pushbuttons.
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