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3 In. Stiff Scraper 6209 Red Devil

Our Price:
If you lacking safety and efficient solution in your processes of production, you came to the right spot to Red Devil provides popular solution sales, and has lean on attributs. them. laboratory and science equipment and materials you can at the tremendous Industrial & Scientific. 3 In. Stiff Scraper can Now you can afford to supply your department of research with new line of inexpensive equipment and consumables. Red Devil is choice for you if you take entrance care for the safety and efficiency. your profitability you can elevated on that. Red Devil is up to date with the concern, newest trends and achievements in the area of safeguard research and development. Personal protective equipment and rely on emergency response equipment are just strong clicks away.
The ERGO 2000™ Professional Series are designed with ergonomically engineered, high visibility to decrease hand fatigue. Durable brass-plated, solid steel nail setting head can be used for setting nails and other hammering jobs. Textured polypropylene and soft rubber-like Santoprene® handle.
Blade Length : 3'
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