Potter Electric 4890030 hs-24wr wall selectable horn/s 4890030 Potter Electric Signal

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Explore our full line of Electronics, Computer & Photo and find the product that is right for your needs. There is lots more where the Potter Electric 4890030 hs-24wr wall selectable horn/s came from, and it is all very reliable. Potter Electric Signal equipment is the industry's top choice for solid and reliable performance. There is a wide assortment of equipment and accessories available, that will efficiently cover your needs. Try some more items, see if you like them better: , or and .
- Name: HS-24WR WALL SELECTABLE HORN/S, Potter Electric Signal Co. Us
- Description: Hs-24Wr Wall Selectable Horn/Strobe Red
- Category: Strobes, Notification Appliances, Fire
- UPC Code: 999999459730
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