Mini Maglite LED 2AA Pro, Rose SP2PSV7 MAG Instrument

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For newest, low cost electronic components needed in industrial application, visit Industrial & Scientific. Mini Maglite LED 2AA Pro, Rose capabilities will certainly be a good protection to you, and a welcoming solution for your reasonable. MAG Instrument has a wealth of safeguard experience in this market sector, so bay from strain professionals. All that you might items for your depend on industrious endeavors is right here, you just need to take your pick.
Ultra Bright - The Mini Maglite PRO houses a latest-generation LED - a light engine that yields a level of performance that, back in the day, just wasn't possible in a flashlight this size. The LED 2AA Mini Maglite PRO works by a simple twist of the head to turn on, turn off and focus spot to flood. The Mini Maglite PRO can also quickly convert to hands-free area light, known as candle mode. Contains (2) AA Alkaline Batteries
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