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LSDI Wet Noodle WNRS Retriever - 24" Retriever - 10 ft Chain WNRS Labor Saving Devices

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Accept no inferior knock-off products - use the original - the Wet Noodle Retriever System. LSDI developed the ball chain and retriever concept to help save installation time. Since its introduction, it has evolved into a "must have" tool for retrofit installation. The Wet Noodle Retrieval System has been updated to now contain three components: a 24" flexible insulated retriever with an ultra strong earth magnet attached at one end; 10ft. of lightweight ball chain with a stop-ring; and an 18" telescoping pocket retriever. This system provides a fast and easy solution to connecting an in-wall entry point to an exit point blindly (without vision tools) to pull wire.

  • Product Type: Fish Chain/Retriever
  • Product Type: Fish Chain/Retriever
  • Manufacturer Part Number: WNRS
  • Manufacturer Website Address:
  • Features: Flexible Retriever
  • Features: Magnetic Retriever Tip
  • Manufacturer: Labor Saving Devices, Inc
  • Product Model: WNRS
  • Product Name: Wet Noodle WNRS Retriever
  • Product Line: Wet Noodle
  • Brand Name: LSDI
  • Brand Name: LSDI
  • Chain Length: 10 ft
  • Retriever Length: 24"
  • Chain Length: 10 ft
  • Retriever Length: 24"
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