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iLive iSB135RW Classic Portable Bluetooth Speaker ISB135RW iLive

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Because technology is constantly changing we are constantly restocking, be up-to-date with Electronics, Computer & Photo. Let us introduce the top quality, nicely-designed iLive iSB135RW Classic Portable Bluetooth Speaker, that will give you the best performance. Threat yourself to a new item from iLive. The device is accurate, responsive and easy to use. Goods that are easy to use, and follow your intuition - Electronics, Computer & Photo section, that offers: Sol Republic - 1510-36 - Punk Horizon Blue Wl Spkr 8hr, or Sylvania - SP230-WHITE - SYLVANIA SP230-WHITE Bluetooth(R) Suction Cup Shower Speaker (White) and EcoXgear - GDI-EXCBN202 - ECOXGEAR GDI-EXCBN202 ECOCARBON Bluetooth(R) Waterproof Speaker (Blue).
iLive iSB135RW Classic Portable Bluetooth Speaker
  • Built-in Bluetooth(R) 2.1 speaker
  • Classic look
  • Wireless range: 60ft
  • Supports automatic device pairing
  • Aux input & on/off switch
  • Built-in Li-Ion battery
  • 3-hour battery life or 5.5 hours at 50% volume
  • Includes micro USB to USB cable for recharging
  • Built-in Bluetooth(R) 2.1 speaker
  • Classic look
  • Wireless range: 60ft
  • Supports automatic device pairing
  • Aux input & on/off switch
  • Built-in Li-Ion battery
  • 3-hour battery life or 5.5 hours at 50% volume
  • Includes micro USB to USB cable for recharging
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