732 24D 613 LBMLCM Folger Adam Electric Strike 732 24D 613 LBMLCM Folger Adam / Assa Abloy

Everything you commodities to solve safeguard industrial quality control problems in the Industrial & Scientific. 732 24D 613 LBMLCM Folger Adam Electric Strike offers new ingenious resolution to your hardship, take a walk on the safe side. Folger Adam / Assa Abloy has put a focus on their new lean on an admirable accessory by bringing in new technologies. Our depend on painting supplies could bring out new astounding colors in your world.
The 700 series is a 3 hour fire-rated, industrial grade electric strike designed for extreme heavy duty applications. The all stainless steel construction of this device makes it ideal for high abuse applications. For use with 1/2** to 5/8** throw latchbolts in wood frame applications. Features an offset solenoid. PK keeper standard Dark Oxidized Satin Bronze Oil Rubbed
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