310-1 (PK) 12D Folger Adam Electric Strike 310-1 (PK) 12D Folger Adam / Assa Abloy

Industrial & Scientific has plenty of burden to offer when it comes to safety analytical process control, and controlled environments. 310-1 (pk) 12d characteristics are part of intuitive approach of trusted manufacturer. Folger Adam / Assa Abloy is a different name for desire maintenance cost, and colossal savings. If you lacking protection and efficient solution in your processes of production, you came to the right spot to Folger Adam / Assa Abloy has a wealth of protection experience in this market sector, so bay from concern professionals. them.
The 310 Series is a 3 hour fire-rated, industrial grade electric strike designed for extreme heavy duty applications. The all stainless steel construction of this device makes it ideal for high abuse applications that would disable other electric strikes.
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