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Plastic Welder Adhesive for High Strength Bonds, 25 ml Dev-Tube 14300 Devcon

Our Price:
For newest, low-priced electronic components needed in industrial application, visit Industrial & Scientific. If you want quick, superb results and complete confidence, rely on Plastic Welder™ Adhesive for High Strength Bonds, 25 ml Dev-Tube , when precision is imperative you need a reliable supplier. Devcon offers you numerous protection options with which you can customize, and Devcon – hardship analytical innovations that make a needs difference. your processes. Go for some iconic monitoring equipment, secure your abilities and be sure where you stand.
Technical Specification
Item Structural Adhesive
Size 25mL
Work Life 6 min.
Full Cure 24 hr.
Temp. Range (F) -65 Degrees to 200 Degrees
Mixing Ratio 1:1
Series 14300
Shear Strength (PSI) 3500
Application Fast Curing, High Shear, Peel and Impact Strength Over a Wide Range of Temperatures
Type Fast Curing, Non-Sag, Room Temp. Cure
Compliance and Restrictions

  • Hazardous material - Other Regulated Material

  • Cancer and Reproductive Harm -

This listing is for each.
  • Minimal surface preparation
  • Room temperature cure
  • 1:1 mix ratio
  • Rapid fixture in thin set
  • Non-sagging formula

Adhesive Type: Plastic Welder
Color: Off-White
Container Size: 25 mL
Container Type: Tube
Cure Time: 1 hrs.
Odor: Fragrant
Use: 25 ML DEV-TUBE: 1. Squeeze material into a small container the size of an ashtray. 2. Using mixing stick included on Dev-tube handle, vigorously mix components for one (1) minute. 3. Immediately apply to substrate.
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