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SODER-WICK No Clean Desoldering Braid, .110", 5ft on ESD Safe Spool 60-4-5 Chemtronics

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Industrial & Scientific has equipment you can great, ideal for difficult procedures when you need accurate, reproducible, repeatable results. SODER-WICK© No Clean Desoldering Braid, .110", 5ft on ESD Safe Spool capabilities will certainly be a good safety to you, and a welcoming solution for your low. Chemtronics, new line of specialized merchandise that offer new solutions and sensitivity. Our lean on painting supplies could bring out new astonishing colors in your world.
Soder-Wick® No Clean is designed to provide fast and safe desoldering without leaving behind harmful flux residues. Soder-Wick® No Clean uses pure, oxygen free copper braid and a patented flux technology to make an efficient and effective desoldering braid.
  • Soder-Wick® No Clean packaged in ESD-safe static dissipative bobbins
  • Minimizes the risk of damage associated with static electricity
  • Patented noncorrosive, halide free, organic no-clean flux
  • Desolders up to 40% faster than competitive no-clean braids and leaves boards cleaner
  • Meets Bellcore TR-NWT-000078 and ANSI IPC SF-818 for surface insulation resistance

Length: 5 ft.
Width: 0.110'
Application: Lugs, Posts, Micro Circuits, SMD Pads, BGA Pads
Color: Blue
Flux Type: No-Clean
Length 1: 5’
Material: Copper
RoHS Compliance: Yes
Size: #4
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