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Find items in Cable Zone that meet or go beyond the standard electrical and thermal characteristics. Quickly develop affordable connectivity solutions by using our - Burndy. Burndy delivers performance solutions, made with premium compounds, according tothe highest fabrication standards. Our stock for cabling and accessory is efficient in of supporting robust infrastructure. Find the high performance solutions for your needs by checking out: Burndy - YA2CL4BOX - One Hole Lug Compression Connector, 2 AWG, Burndy - YA8CTC14 - One Hole Lug Compression Connector, 8 AWG or Burndy - YAV102TC14 - 2 Hole Stand Lug10-14 STR.
Note: Priced EACH
Copper Compression Lug, 2 Hole With Inspection Window, Standard Barrel, 1/4 Inch Stud, 4 AWG Flex & 4 AWG Solid & 4 AWG Stranded & 5 (91/#24) - 4 (105/#24) DLO, Electro-Tin Plated, Gray, 600 Volt - 35 Kilo-Volt
Copper Compression Lug, 2 Hole With Inspection Window, Standard Barrel, 1/4 Inch Stud, 4 AWG Flex & 4 AWG Solid & 4 AWG Stranded & 5 (91/#24) - 4 (105/#24) DLO, Electro-Tin Plated, Gray, 600 Volt - 35 Kilo-Volt
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