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Hubbell Electrical / Burndy YA8CL2TC14E1 Hylug Compression Lug; 2 Hole, 1/4 Inch Stud, 8 AWG, Copper, Red YA8CL2TC14E1 Burndy

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For your needs turn to Cable Zone optimal products. Find out about environmentally friendly options and other superb products, like - Burndy. Burndy offers high performance features with its products and will not pick your wallet dry either. Use items that will efficiently connect your components and remain connected for years to come. Explore our range of equipment: Burndy - YAZV6CTC14FX - - Burndy, Burndy - YAV28L2NTCFX - - Burndy and Panduit - LCAX2/0-38H-X - Lug Terminal (2/0)AWG 44.2mm 24.4mm Tin.
Dimension: 2.330 Inch Length x 0.440 Inch Width
49 die index number
Tools, die set catalog number, and (number of crimps): mechanical: md6, our840, md7-34r tool, w8cvt, w8crt, x8crt die, (1); hydraulic: bct500hs, y500cths tool, w8cvt, w8crt, x8crt die, (1); y35, y39, y750, pat750 tool, u8crt die, (1); y46 tool, u8crt die with puadp-1 adapter
Dieless tools (number of crimps): y81kft, y81kftmbh, y1mrtc, y8mrb-1, pat81kft-18v, my29-3, my29-11, mrc840 tool
Barrel Size:0.270 Inch Dia
Barrel Type:Chamfered, Standard
Brand:Hubbell Electrical / Burndy
Cable Size:8 AWG, 8 AWG Weld, 6 AWG Solid, 37/24, 10 SQ-MM For Class 2 And Class 5 Conductors
Finish 2:Red
Conductor Size:8 AWG Stranded
EU RoHS Indicator:Y
Gross Weight:1.000
GTIN Next Lower Level Sub Pack:30781810018478
Item:Compression Lug
Mounting:1 IN Stud Hole Spacing
Number of Holes:2
Overall Length:2.330 Inch
Size:2.330 Inch Length x 0.440 Inch Width
Special Features:Features: UL Listed 90 DEG C, 600 V - 35 KV; 45 DEG And 90 DEG Angles Are Available; Wire Strip Length: 1/2 IN; Finish: Electro-Tin Plated; Temperature Rating: 90 DEG C; Die Index: 49; Tongue Angle: Straight; Color Code: Red; Tools, Die Set Catalog Number, And (number Of Crimps): Mechanical: MD6, OUR840, MD7-34R Tool, W8CVT, W8CRT, X8CRT Die, (1); Hydraulic: BCT500HS, Y500CTHS Tool, W8CVT, W8CRT, X8CRT Die, (1); Y35, Y39, Y750, PAT750 Tool, U8CRT Die, (1); Y46 Tool, U8CRT Die With PUADP-1 Adapter, (1); Dieless Tools (number Of Crimps): Y81KFT, Y81KFTMBH, Y1MRTC, Y8MRB-1, PAT81KFT-18V, MY29-3, MY29-11, MRC840 Tool, (1); Conductor Type: Commercial Stranded Copper, Flexible Copper, Solid Copper
Standard:UL Listed At 90 DEG C, 600 V To 35 KV, CSA Certified, RoHS Compatible
Standards:RoHS Compliance, UL Listed, CSA Certified
Strip Length:7/16 Inch
Stud Hole Spacing:1 Inch
Stud Size:1/4 Inch
Sub Brand:Hylug™
Tongue Size:0.440 Inch Length x 0.440 Inch Width x 0.080 Inch Thickness
Voltage Rating:600 - 35000 Kilo-Volt
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