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No Clean Flux Remover, 12 oz. Can 8623 ACL Staticide

Our Price:
All the equipment you can high and have great solutions for material handling tasks in the Industrial & Scientific. No Clean Flux Remover, 12 oz. Can (MOQ=6), watch your entirely and concerns disappear, and your safety processes run effectively and profitably. ACL Staticide is able to provide you with Even if you are just browsing, an affordable piece like these are good to find:Circuit Works - CW3500 - Conformal Coating Remover Pen, or Loctite - 51031 - 510 Gasket Elim 50 Ml Tb and Micro Care - MCC-DC1 - VeriClean™ No Clean Flux Remover, 10 oz Aerosol. technical expertise in the part of the latest range available to meet your specific application. Help yourself with fine, depend on instruments in our selection, we can also supply you with all the consumables you might merchandise.
This extra-strength no-clean flux remover removes heavy and encrusted flux deposits resulting from no clean soldering applications. This powerful cleaner penetrates quickly into hard to reach areas and will evaporate quickly leaving no residues. Use the brush applicator for the removal of heavy soils.
  • Quickly removes all rosin and no-clean flux types
  • Removes encrusted, hard, baked-on fluxes and residues
  • Removes oil, grease, ionic, and non-ionic residues
  • Cleans and removes R, RA, RMA, and all synthetic flux residues
  • Non-abrasive, non-flammable, non-corrosive
  • Evaporates quickly and leaves no residue
  • Ozone safe: contains no CFC's or HCFC's
  • VOC: CARB/89%

Container Type: Aerosol Can
Container Volume: 12 fl. oz.
Odor: Mild ethereal odor
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