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Fuse Plug tapping system Mini-ATM/ 10 pack FT-MINIATC-10 Accele Electronics

Our Price:
Industrial & Scientific supplying a comprehensive range of work protection an admirable accessory to provide full head to toe stunning in the workplace. Fuse Plug tapping system Mini-ATM/ 10 pack – dramatically improved product, you can depend on. Accele Electronics is up to date with the hardship, newest trends and achievements in the area of protection research and development. Personal protective equipment and depend on emergency response equipment are just hard clicks away.
ACCELE Mini-ATM fuse plug tapping system. Plugs directly into fuse panel. 2 fuse spots, wire lead to attach an accessory. Black w/ red wire
  • Qty/ Uom
    10 Pack
  • Color
    Red, Black
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