Whistler WS1010 Analog Handheld Scanner WS1010 Whistler
If you are looking for office products you came to the right section - Office & Business. You know that it is the small things that make the difference in your business so consider the unmatched WHISTLER WS1010 Analog Handheld Radio Scanner 1010 , and make a big difference. Improve productivity and work flows by introducing astonishing Whistler products in your company`s routine. Focus your attention on creating and maintaining a thriving business, become our consumer. Find more products and everything else that goes beyond the ordinary: Whistler - WS1040 - WHISTLER WS1040 Digital Handheld Scanner, Uniden - BCT15X - Uniden Bct15x 9, 000 Channel Gps Enabled Preprogrammed Scanner With Trunk Tracker Iii or Uniden - BCT15X - Uniden Bct15x 9, 000 Channel Gps Enabled Preprogrammed Scanner With Trunk Tracker Iii.
Whistler WS1010 Analog Handheld Radio Scanner 1010
- 400-channel memory to store favorite frequencies in 10 separate storage banks
- Service banks easily locate types of calls by searching preprogrammed frequencies in separate marine, fire/police, aircraft, ham & weather banks
- SKYWARN(R) provides instant access to frequencies used by storm spotter networks to monitor storm conditions as they occur prior to the media or emergency management officials announcing them to the general public
- Spectrum sweeper rapidly detects, monitors & stores frequencies from nearby radio transmitters without knowing the frequency
- Backlit LCD provides easy-to-read displays & assists programming data even in low-light situations
- Lock-out function skips over specified channels or frequencies when scanning or searching
- Finds new & unlisted frequencies starting from a specified frequency
- SAME/FIPS weather alert displays the weather event & sounds an alert for a chosen specific county or counties
- Frequencies remain stored in memory for an extended time even without batteries
- Delays scanning for 2 sec before moving to another channel in order to hear replies
- Priority channel sets the scanner to check 1 channel every 2 sec while scanning
- Data cloning allows transfer of the programmed data to another WS1010 scanner
- Product Type: Radio Scanner
- Product Type: Radio Scanner
- Manufacturer Part Number: WS1010
- Manufacturer Website Address: http://www.whistlergroup.com
- Color: Black
- Manufacturer: Whistler Group, Inc
- Product Model: WS1010
- Product Name: WS1010 Analog Handheld Scanner
- Brand Name: Whistler
- Brand Name: Whistler
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