Classic Softcover Notebook, Plain, 10 x 7 1/2, Black Cover, 192 Sheets 9788883707261 Moleskine
If you are looking for office articles you came to the right section - Office & Business. The right articles for your business requirements such as a minimal investment Classic Softcover Notebook, Plain, 10 x 7 1/2, Black Cover, 192 Sheets, make your job easier and less of a hassle. Create a fun work environment, use products from Moleskine and move on. We have the office supplies that you demand to manage your workload and your day, so you may be at the frontline of your business. Find a effective solution to your needs by checking out: Moleskine - 9788883707247 - Classic Softcover Notebook, Squared, 10 x 7 1/2, Black Cover, 192 Sheets, Universal Office Products - UNV76920 - Steno Book, Gregg Rule, 6 x 9, Green, 70 Sheets and Universal Office Products - UNV66206 - Sugarcane Based Notebook, College Rule, 11 x 8 1/2, White, 100 Sheets.
Thread-bound softcover notebook with rounded corners. Expandable inner pocket in cardboard and cloth. Convenient elastic closure and ribbon bookmark. Acid-free paper. Includes front endpaper with "in case of loss" notice.
- Global Product Type - Paper Pads/Note Pads-Notebook
- Pad Type - Notebook
- Sheet Size - 10" x 7 1/2"
- Ruling - Plain
- Number of Sheets per Pad - 192
- Paper Color(s) - Ivory
- Sheet Perforation - Unpunched
- Paper Weight - 47 lb.
- Binding Edge - Side
- Punched/Unpunched - Unpunched
- Binding - Thread Bound
- Cover Color(s) - Black
- Height - 10"
- Width - 7 1/2"
- Style - Classic Notebook
- Pre-Consumer Recycled Content Percent - 0%
- Post-Consumer Recycled Content Percent - 0%
- Total Recycled Content Percent - 0%
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