Isopropyl Alcohol IPA and DI Water Wipes, 6" x 9" 100 Wipes/Canister SW100IPA/DI JNJ Industries

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For newest, affordable electronic components needed in industrial application, visit Industrial & Scientific. Isopropyl Alcohol IPA and DI Water Wipes, 6" x 9" 100 Wipes/Canister capabilities will certainly be a good protection to you, and a welcoming solution for your bargain. JNJ Industries is a different name for need maintenance cost, and enormous savings. Let us help the health and safety of your workers in all types of protection industries.
A universal cleaner and disinfectant with deionized water. Removes most types of inks, pastes, light oils and contaminants associated with soldering, fluxes, printing and most industrial cleaning applications.
- Regular cleaning strength
- Safe on plastics
- Flammable
- Mild odor
- Fast drying
- 100 wipe cannister
Formula Type: 70% Isopropyl Alcohol
Package Type: Canister
Size: 6' x 9'
Wiper Material: Pre-Saturated
Wipers/Pkg: 100
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