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Belden 89907 Plenum Thinnet Coaxial Cable 89907E4X2500 Belden

Our Price:
For your needs turn to Cable Zone optimum products. (Priced per THOUSAND FEET) - BELDEN and other high-performance component cables and accessories are available at affordable prices. Belden / CDT delivers items and accessories at bargain prices and with the unparalleled electrical performance. There is a wide range of cables and cabling accessories available, that will efficiently meet your requirements. Goods that are effective, and follow your intuition - Cable Zone section offers: Belden / CDT - 1282P 0101000 - (Priced per THOUSAND FEET) - BELDEN, Belden / CDT - 1695A 0021000 - 1695A RG6 Plenum SDI/HTV Coaxial 1000 Foot (Red) and Belden / CDT - 1279R B59500 - Mini Hi-Res 5 Component Video Cable by the Foot.
Belden 89907 E4X500
20 AWG stranded (19x32) .037" tinned copper conductor, foam FEP insulation, Duobond® II (100% coverage) plus a tinned copper braid shield (93% coverage), fluorocopolymer jacket.
This listing for Length 2500 FT , Color Light Dec Grey , Package Reel
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