Sagamore Desk Pad w/Decorative Stitching, 36 x 20, Black 5100-6-1 Artistic

We at Office & Business are continuously improving our stock, and are cutting prices. Fill the gaps with articles such as Sagamore Desk Pad w/Decorative Stitching, 36 x 20, Black, nicely designed item that will perform as it is supposed to. A smooth-running office depends on more than just the employees running it; try Artistic for office supplies. A growing business could benefit from our office items selection, which will meet your new expectations. Find a effective solution to your needs by checking out: At-A-Glance - DMD145-32 - Harbor Views Panoramic Desk Pad, 22 x 17, Harbor Views, 2016, House of Doolittle - 332 - Bar Harbor Wirebound Monthly Wall Calendar, 12 x 17, 2016 and House of Doolittle - 376 - Illustrated Monthly Wall Calendar, 12 x 12, 2016.
Fine-grain high-quality leatherette vinyl for unsurpassed writing surface. Substantial core material provides rigidity and writing surface smoothness. Color matched, scratch-free soft antiskid backing.
- Global Product Type - Desk Pads-Blotters
- Width - 36"
- Depth - 20"
- Base Color - Black
- Material(s) - Leatherette Vinyl
- Shape - Rectangular
- Pre-Consumer Recycled Content Percent - 0%
- Post-Consumer Recycled Content Percent - 0%
- Total Recycled Content Percent - 0%
- Special Features - Designer Desk Pad
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